Thursday, May 3, 2007

World Press Freedom Day

So today is World Press Freedom all the ".isms" around, its hard remembering all the Days. There's most probably 365 similar Days or even more. But since blogging has become an influential press tool and since i blog and respect press freedom and i just found out about it watching the news and since i have nothing else to write (not that i dont consider this important, its important all right!!!) i dedicate this post to all the people in the world working towards creating a knowledge based society full of serious news and some light stuff along the way with other stuffs for everybody.
Unfortunately, as i found out, Nepal ranks about 7th in the list of countries with least degree of press freedom(might be some old data). The ranking created by Reporters Without Borders is based on surveys about direct attacks on journalists and the media as well as other indirect sources of pressure against the free press. I guess, the last time when this issue was raised to its height was during the royal takeover and the Janaandolan periods where i believe blogging was taken up widely for letting the people know the real truth. Not knowing the full extent of this issue i cannot comment much about it. But, from what i do know, Nepali journalism has still a long way to go before it reaches its maximum potential and that too without any hindrances that would prevent truthful and hard edged journalism.
With the various conflicts in the Middle East region, Journalist have become most prone to attacks and dangers in the recent years. Various kidnappings and even executions take place almost everyday. Right now the fate of BBC journalist Allan Johnston is still unknown for such a long time. The killing of Daniel Pearl some years back was a huge blow to Journalism and clearly showed the risks scribes are facing. The press has a huge value in our everyday lives. Although today is just another Days in our calendar, we should all work together for better press liberties and rights. Even though you may not be a journalist or even close to working in the line, it would be very nice of you to just acknowledge their works and responsibilities and maybe even help in any way possible.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicates: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers"
More about Press Freedom or Journalism

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